Making the earth laugh

"the earth laughs in flowers" -e.e.cummings This blog is a journey into that laughter. From my childhood when my job was weeding the dreaded vegetable garden (which I despised with every fiber of my being) to my very early adulthood when I planted my first impatiens (which promptly died) to now - a gardening lover and business owner; gardens have made me feel something. This is my tribute to the hard work, the boring work, the failures and the immeasurable joys of gardening. Yes, I continue to garden...and laugh.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

spring cleaning

We have had wonderful weather here - last week was sunny, warm and beautiful. I couldn't wait to get out into the garden!

In the fall, I clean out very little of the garden. Basically I only prune what needs to be pruned and leave the rest. To me, a winter garden has a certain monochromatic loveliness of texture and and depth. I tend to romanticize it by thinking of it as my 'in the bleak mind-winter' garden.

However, in the spring, it just looks forgotten and ill fitting amidst the new green grass and spring buds and ambitions weeds growing everywhere. So I chop, cut back, prune away and clean like a mad woman. THIS is my spring cleaning! I prefer it a million times over to washing windows, dusting furniture and organizing drawers. Give me a garden to wake up any day.

I will be posting many pictures of the garden as it awakens. I'm off now to see if I can brave the wind and get some work done today; it's sunny and 42 degrees but so windy I may not be able to stand up straight. I will let you know...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim,

    My name is Heather Hanson and I work on editorial at Local Flair Magazine in the Poconos. We received an email tip on your lovely Exterior Design and I wanted to touch base with you about a potential editorial piece in our upcoming June/July issue.
    Please contact me directly at
