Making the earth laugh

"the earth laughs in flowers" -e.e.cummings This blog is a journey into that laughter. From my childhood when my job was weeding the dreaded vegetable garden (which I despised with every fiber of my being) to my very early adulthood when I planted my first impatiens (which promptly died) to now - a gardening lover and business owner; gardens have made me feel something. This is my tribute to the hard work, the boring work, the failures and the immeasurable joys of gardening. Yes, I continue to garden...and laugh.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

snow princess

Every year I have my favorite new plant.  A few past winners were variegated nasturtium, purple wave petunias, and heliotrope.  I have planted them to great success and talked about them to anyone who would listen (that could explain why some people tend to run when they see me coming).  This year's winner is...

(A new hybrid from Proven Winners called) Snow Princess Lobularia Hybrid, or Snow Princess Alyssum! 

It was used in test gardens last year to great success and introduced to us this year.  It is a vigorous grower, so it needs to be cut back often (I just pinch them back every time I water and fertilize).  The difference between these and past alyssum is their trailing habit.  They are considered sterile plants, which means they are grown from cuttings and not seeds, so instead of spending all their energy reproducing seeds in later summer, they produce more and more flowers on long trails.  Million bells are along the same lines.  Pruning is for appearance sake, not to keep them from 'going to seed'.  I love them!!  Try them out!


  1. ooo this might look good on the great wall of portland, huh? pretty pretty pretty! where did you get these?

  2. I got them at Clucas Farms. Heinshon's has them too, but they're in pretty rough shape. They would be easier to maintain on the GWoP than the bacopa.
