Christmas I no more desire a rose
Than wish a snow in May’s new-fangled mirth;
~ William Shakespear
It is officially Christmas time (at least it is in my book and because I'm the author of this blog, I guess that is that)! I spent the last five days decking the halls (and lobbies and atriums and meeting rooms) of various hotels which was fun and interesting. But today I got to begin decorating my residential clients' houses...ahhh....such love cannot be described. I have had several requests for tutorials on what I do - which is a bit puzzling to me because nothing I do is so spectacular that anyone couldn't do it - but I decided to be bold and expose myself...don't go there.
Here I have a 'mixed green' wreath with a few pine cones thrown in for good measure that I purchased at a local greenhouse. It's nice...just...nice. But it's a good base.
I'm not wild about the placement or size of these pine cones - in my opinion, they lack signfigance placed this way. So I cut them off the wreath and put them aside for later.
Although this is a mixed green wreath, it's not mixed enough for me. So
I popped out to my back yard and cut off a few bits of boxwood and
cyprus, made some bundles then glued them into my wreath.
Note: many people prefer to wire everything to their wreaths. I find this limits exact placement and angle and takes forever.
And viola! A very mixed greens wreath!
I took one and a half of these awesome silver picks, cut them up and strategically placed (hot glued) them around to give the wreath an icy, blingy kind of look.
The finished product: I added back the pine cones, tied on a bow, glued on a gold, glass pine cone ornament and a few more silver twigs to tie it all together. Pretty easy. You can add you own colors, twigs, greens and bows to make it reflect you - it's very, very easy.
Maybe you should the greenhouse the before and after pictures!