Making the earth laugh

"the earth laughs in flowers" -e.e.cummings This blog is a journey into that laughter. From my childhood when my job was weeding the dreaded vegetable garden (which I despised with every fiber of my being) to my very early adulthood when I planted my first impatiens (which promptly died) to now - a gardening lover and business owner; gardens have made me feel something. This is my tribute to the hard work, the boring work, the failures and the immeasurable joys of gardening. Yes, I continue to garden...and laugh.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

empire of dirt

Lest you conjure up images of gardening being a bucolic, genteel past time, I decided to show you my feet (which were encased in Wellies) after two hours of cleaning out a flower bed yesterday.  As bad as they were then, you should have seen them at the end of the day.  Not a pretty sight, I assure you.

I also got myself into an altercation with a  Herculean vine that turned out to be poison ivy.

My client's dog decided to relieve himself (in the solid form) right where I was battling the aforementioned ivy.

While working and sweating profusely, a giant wind swept by and blew the newly turned dirt right onto my wet self...and took up residence.

And to top it all off, my pretty new gardening hat gave me hat head so badly I was actually astonished (it didn't keep me from being sunburned either) - stupid hat.

And yes, I realize my socks don't match.

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