Making the earth laugh

"the earth laughs in flowers" -e.e.cummings This blog is a journey into that laughter. From my childhood when my job was weeding the dreaded vegetable garden (which I despised with every fiber of my being) to my very early adulthood when I planted my first impatiens (which promptly died) to now - a gardening lover and business owner; gardens have made me feel something. This is my tribute to the hard work, the boring work, the failures and the immeasurable joys of gardening. Yes, I continue to garden...and laugh.

Friday, April 23, 2010

master gardener

Try as I may, I can never outdo the Master Gardener.  Where I live, Northeast Pennsylvania, I am surrounded by hills and forests. It's just beautiful. The Delaware Water Gap and Appalachian Trail are only minutes away and I hike there as often as I can. In the spring, the streams are bulging and run into creeks that are rushing into waterfalls and are gorgeous.  It seems to surprise me every year.

In my own little corner of it all, there is a lovely woods that surrounds my neighborhood.  Every morning, I take my puppy out for his morning potty into this woods.  Today I was feeling a bit more sluggish than usual and grumpily trudged out to the woods with Bentley when I was assaulted by the most glorious fragrance (not emanating from him, I assure you)! Everywhere I turned, the wild honeysuckle was beginning to bloom and the smell was incredible!!  What a treat!!   In a few weeks from now, just as the honeysuckle dies off, the wild roses will take over.

There is a Master Gardener, and it's not me.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. Try as I may, no matter my efforts, God reminds me he started it all. I go to the Az desert and am awed at the incredible beauty brought by his hand. It isn't the lush greeness of the midwest I've grown accustomed to, but just as breathtaking.
    Kim, He uses your hands to display his glory. _Terry
